👉 It is the stage when your period starts to be unpredictable, and you don’t feel like yourself anymore.
👉 You may notice belly fat, sleep disturbance, lack of libido and mood swings for no reason.
Perimenopause may take up to 10 years and has 4 stages.
Which one are you?
You don’t have a monthly period as you used to have due to low progesterone levels.
You might feel anxious, have sleepless nights and fluid retention.
Comes with fluctuating levels of estrogen. Sometimes up and sometimes down, which brings a rollercoaster swing.
⬇️ If you have low estrogen levels, you might have night sweats and racing heart, dry skin and poor-quality hair.
⬆️ When you have high estrogen levels, you might have breast pain, heavy periods or fluid retention.
Your liver is working hard to detoxify the harmful metabolites of estrogen, which is known to cause BREAST & OVARIAN CANCER. ☠️
So if this is you, please consult a specialist to support your liver (blood tests are needed)! ⚠️
You have noticed sporadic ovulation (up to 60 days).
You might notice these signs & symptoms:
❌ Low mood & lack of motivation
❌ Anxious feelings
❌ Tired all the time
❌ Body fat goes up despite eating healthily
❌ Brain fog and lack of focus and concentration or meaningful goals
❌ Sleep disturbances that lead to the use of stimulants such as coffee
In this stage, you need different support to prevent metabolic disease when the ovaries no longer produce estrogen.
High cholesterol levels, overweight, lack of collagen, elastin causing joint and muscle wasting, shaggy skin and hair loss.
Vaginal dryness, low libido, and frequent urinary tract infections are ✳️ POSSIBLE TO PREVENT AND REVERSE ✳️ with the right strategies.
👉👉👉Menopause is a wonderful stage, and the transition can be smooth.👈👈👈
✔️ If health is your priority
✔️ If you are ready to change your lifestyle
✔️ If you are willing to learn new strategies
✔️ If you are determined to look & feel the best