Client Success

I recently had the pleasure of working with Blanka Campbell through the Happy Hormones package, and I can confidently say that it was a transformative experience. From our first session, it was clear that she is knowledgeable and passionate about helping her clients achieve their health goals.

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Claudia Overcame Impulsive Eating
Jovana Beats The Bloat With Few Simple Tricks
"Blanka is a wonderful source of nutritional information and her spirit is the truly amazing part! I have attended her Mastermind class “UNLOCK THE SECRETS OF ANTI-AGEING” and have learned a lot there. She firmly believes in eating right and using the highest quality nutritional supplements available, thereby giving her clients the ability to quickly achieve and maintain their personal health goals. Thank you Blanka!"
“I can't recommend Blanka highly enough. She is incredibly knowledgeable about good nutrition and she is full of practical ideas for simple and healthy recipes for busy families. Her cookery and nutrition classes are really enjoyable and I always come home feeling inspired to start cooking!"
Helen Hart
"I'm so glad I found Blanka! She explains complex nutritional matters in such a clear way, with great energy and examples that stick. Learning from her is fun and really joyful. Plus, her advice is so spot on and personalized that it's easy for me to adjust my nutrition and understand what 'healthy food' is for me. Believe me - even if you want to lose some weight, you'll not be hungry or grumpy on the way!"
“I attended Blanka’s “Eat Clean and Get Lean” course. It is perfect for perimenopausal and menopausal woman. If you are looking for information, education, fun and accountability regarding your nutrition and health, look no further! I highly recommend Blanka! I’ve already recommended her to clients, friends and family. She is energetic, positive and knowledgeable. I’ll certainly contact her again if needed in the future."
Francisca Bruning
Catherine Success Story
Adrienne Success Story
Kate Success Story
“I was constantly low in energy and I found it difficult to lose weight. Itchy skin and hay fever were getting worse each year. Lactose-free diet wasn’t helping much and I knew that I needed help. Mr Google recommended Blanka so I gave it a try and I don’t regret it. During the free discovery call, I felt like talking to a friend. Don’t expect to get a list of forbidden food or boring lectures on science. I got short cooking videos and personalised action plans to get me started. During the second session, we went shopping. She checked the labels of my favourite food and showed me healthier alternatives. I can still eat chocolate with almonds every day and apero at the weekend without feeling guilty about it. I eat more than before and I lost 5 kg. My dry and itchy skin is gone and I finally know why. I was low in zinc and iodine and my thyroid hormones were so low. No wonder I was always tired. I am still in the process of learning but I am loving it. Not only I bought her online course Eat Clean Get, but now I am also doing her online hormone yoga therapy course. If you are looking for a holistic approach I highly recommend getting the blood tests done. She interprets them in a simple and storytelling way. I was amazed by her biochemical knowledge and connections that I never knew existed. It was the best investment of my time and energy. Highly recommended!"
Jana Tobrman
“I joined ‘Eat clean get lean’ course from Blanka. I found it to be very well designed programme for women. It contains all important health and nutrition aspects that us - women deal with and often don’t even realise that with different food choices we could feel much better. I liked that each week of the 4-week programme was zooming in on a specific topic. Each week came with a pre-work in a form of videos on that particular topic, small assignments that were prompting participants to take action and video calls where Blanka answered any questions that came up for us. I loved her energy, passion and enthusiasm that she put into the course and brought into the live calls. I value that Blanka is honouring the fact that each participant is different and may need different dietary adjustments. She can very well explain the science behind nutrition in a way that is clear and understandable for anyone. I would highly recommend working with Blanka to women who want to better understand how their food choices support or sabotage their health and wellbeing and learn what are better choices they can make."
Lenka Willems
Emily Lost 7 kg & Reversed Menopause
Audrey Learned The Secrets Of Advance Nutrition
"Blanka has really helped me to get a new level of understanding of my inner workings! What I thought was a hormone imbalance is actually adrenal fatigue, for examaple, and where I thought I was feeling low on the cognitive front is actually the result of a digestive system that is clogged up, slow and congested! What a relief to actually know what the root cause of my symptoms is, and how to treat it in a smart, sustainable way! And, as well as Blanka's infectious passion and energy as she took me through a tailor-made programme for myself, I also got great tips, tricks ans supplements for the rest of my family, which is super handy as my oldest child has an autoimmune disease. Blanka gets straight to the point, tells you with confidence, conviction and clarity exactly how to get your gut back to glory 🙂 She's supportive, understanding and really knows her stuff which makes for a fabulous experience!"
Sally Success Story With Eat Clean Get Lean Course
"Blanka’s solar energy supported me and gave me hope. Her holistic view of health - body, mind and soul - allowed me to regain confidence in my body's ability to heal. I contacted Blanka as I had no energy and the poor sleep was getting worse. I needed to fix this ASAP. Blanka uses her "outside the box" view when analyzing blood tests and interprets them in the light of her experience which is different from that of a traditional physician. Her great expertise as well as her scientific and nutritional knowledge are priceless. I want to deeply thank Blanka for her help. I am very busy with my job and do not have much free time to take care of my meals. By following her advice, I learned what it means to eat healthily. I had to avoid certain foods that did not suit me. She has given me valuable practical information for the management of everyday meals by analyzing them with me closely. Since my dietary change, my energy levels and sleep have improved and I have managed to stabilise my weight. Since I started my journey with Blanka I see food differently. I have changed almost my entire diet and the results are very positive, especially the debloating effect. I recommend Blanka’s program to all people who have digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance and other issues that a traditional approach did not relieve and who wish to heal in a natural way. There are no miracles. As Blanka says, It takes effort and changes, but the results are worth the effort and Blanka supports you closely during your journey."
Justine Manetsch
"I started working with Blanka only a couple of weeks ago and some of my health issues have already dramatically improved! She is teaching me so much: from discussing my blood test results (which were an eye opener!) to the science behind supplements and ingredients, Blanka is definitely very knowledgeable and is able to break down complex information into understandable pieces. What I really love about her approach is that everything is tailored to my unique l needs and she educates you in a way that is very personal and sustainable, making the investment worth every franc. Blanka is very responsive and easy to reach. Besides from the planned meetings, you can always ask her questions about basically anything and you will always get an answer. Her sparkling and warm personality makes you feel supported and not judged. I can only highly recommend her!"
"Around 4 months ago, my wife and I decided to try to improve our quality of life and "get healthy". We are both just under the magic 50 so thought it was now or never! We found Blanka through some internet research, read her website and contacted her for the initial consultation. Since then it is fair to say we haven't looked back! Blanka spent time talking to us together and individually and explained her approach and her ethos to nutritional advice and wellbeing. We decided to follow the 21 day intensive course, and completed a comprehensive questionnaire to help her better understand our medical history and the key issues relevant to us. Blanka recommended getting blood analysis done first, so as to fully understand our potential issues, and it revealed a lot of interesting and unknown facts. Her approach is firmly underpinned by the science of food and how to eat correctly for your own particular body and body issues. For me, it highlighted unknown issues relating to having too much iron in my blood, to having very high sugar levels and several other potential issues. Blanka was able to explain these in a scientific way to me, and explain how, through changes in my diet, I can reduce or improve these areas to get myself back within normal ranges. She also treated a long term issue I had had around quite severe heart burn / reflux after eating certain foods. Three months after starting with Blanka my blood result ranges are all down to normal levels, no more heartburn and bags more energy (no more after lunch slumps!) I now eat healthy, nutritious and great tasting food every day and have actually lost nearly 7kgs already! This was a complete bonus for me, as I was not looking at this advice to lose weight, just to seek the health benefits. All in all, we have really enjoyed working with Blanka and we continue to keep in contact with her despite being outside of our consultation period. She is energetic, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and incredibly passionate about her profession - you can't help but be carried along with her enthusiasm! I would thoroughly recommend Blanca’s program to anyone who is interested in improving their overall health and wellbeing."
Gareth Hodge
"I am truly and ever so grateful for Blanka because of two different reasons. I am 36 years old, a vegetarian yogini. I don’t fight with digestion problems, or other illnesses, neither overweight. I always considered myself a healthy person. Until my body just got fed up, gave me a notch and made me realize: that I am actually not. I turned to Blanka because suddenly I started to experience excessive hair loss and I got very scared. My bad eating habits, the tendency of overeating were not my first concerns, as we all have those (right?) at a certain point on a certain stage in our lives. Certainly, I didn’t think that these are in fact linked. After seeing my blood results, Blanka immediately pointed out: I was starving my own cells, because of the extreme lack of protein in my body. After the personalized consultation she provided the appropriate supplements, plenty of recipes and a meal plan, telling me exactly what to eat and when. She told me in a very direct but loving way, what I was doing/eating wrong. And this is what I needed. After one week I’ve already started to see changes regarding my eating habits: I had no cravings. And that’s a biggie when you are a woman. 😊 Blanka has incredible knowledge, but that’s not what makes her an exceptional professional in nutrition. What does is her passion towards helping people to heal themselves. It’s not just that she knows, what she talks about, but she is able to put herself into everyone’s shoes because she’s been there too. The second reason why I can’t thank her enough for is giving me the inspiration to evolve on my own journey… Her enthusiasm, passion and big heart make her who I call: a real Healer."
Zuba Erika
Discover Why Personalised Nutrition Is Worth The Investment
Lynsey Success Story With Eat Clean Get Lean Course
"Blanku mohu jen doporučit, důležité je chtít udělat změnu a Blanka je na to ten pravý človíček. Nejlepší co jsem mohla udělat, abych se naučila hlavně jíst zdravě a přitom nemít hlad. V životě jsem si zaplatila jídelníčky u 3 nutričních poradkyň, ale žádná mě nedokázala dát to co Blanka. Jsem vegetariánka a potřebovala jsem se naučit jíst vyváženě a hlavně zdravě. Nikdy se mi nepodařilo najet na vyváženou stravu a už vůbec né zhubnout. Má sestra mi doporučila Blanku. Popravdě jsem do toho šla jen tak , řekla jsem si „něco mi poradí, ale určitě to dopadne jako v minulosti“. Po předchozích zkušenostech jsem si vůbec nevěřila, že bych mohla tak moc změnit jídelníček/život. A ejhle po měsíční terapii jsem psychicky vyrovnaná, mám více energie, nejsem unavená a co je nejdůležitější!!!!!!!!!:-)nejím vůbec sladké na kterém jsem byla maxi závislá. Po změně jídelníčku jsem i zhubla a hubnu dál:-) A co je nejlepší…….hubnu ZDRAVĚ:-) Spolupráce s Blanku je suprová. Vždy poradí, vysvětlí, naslouchá, kdykoliv ihned reaguje, když jsem měla jakýkoliv dotaz. Blanka je člověk na pravém místě, člověk kterého tato práce opravdu baví a je to znát i na výsledcích. Ví jak funguje tělo a ví jak funguje lidská psychika a to je to nejdůležitější, když se někomu svěříš do rukou a čekáš, že ti pomůže. A tady jsem dala opravdu na jistotu. Blance posílám velké DÍKY:-) D O P O R U Č U J I Všem přeji aspoň takovou spokojenost jakou jsem měla já. Markéta"
Market Stal
"I struggle with an autoimmune disease that compromised my digestive system. For years I am in the care of specialized doctors. I tried everything but my health wasn't getting any better with medication. That's why I search for a more holistic approach and personalised nutritionist that could be capable to understand my medical needs and cooperate with doctors. When I booked my free call with Blanka, she listened to me carefully and I really liked her approach. I felt like I was talking to a friend and I could share even very personal topics. That's why I booked a 3-month package and I am loving it. Blanka checked all my blood work for the past 5 years and explained in detail what it means. For the first time, I had someone to interpret the blood tests and make me feel like I understand biochemistry really well. Knowledge is power but I was looking for accountability and guidance along the way. With Blanka, I discovered that many lifestyle habits that I thought were “good” for me, were contra-productive. She helped me navigate through the supplements that I was using as I wasn't sure what to take, why and when. I also completed Blanka's online course “Eat Clean – Get Lean” and I found it very interesting and eye-opening. For example, my aim is not to lose weight, in fact, the opposite, yet the weeks 1 and 2 I learned about weight-regulating hormones, appetite and energy levels and what it means to have optimal weight. A completely different viewpoint that I have never thought about. She explains science-based nutrition in a very easy & funny way too. The investment is fair, and the time required suits everybody – you can decide to participate in a live Q&A or you can watch the ZOOM recordings when you have time. Every Monday I received videos to watch, and on Wednesday she would invite us to discuss the topics and ask questions. Blanka is very professional in how she works and how she gets in contact with you. We are learning about nutrition, but not only: she talks about stress, hormonal changes and everything that could compromise our overall well-being. She explains how to relieve stress and how we can find the proper way to feed the soul and body. She also gives us weekly step-by-step video meal plans and examples of what to buy and where. How to combine food and prepare healthy food in 5 minutes. I am on my transformational journey trying to find the best way to get my degenerative illness in remission and achieve the best life quality that I possibly can."
Jodi Pala

“I’m so glad I found Blanka! She explains complex nutritional matters in such a clear way, with great energy and examples that stick.

Learning from her is fun and really joyful. Plus, her advice is so spot on and personalized that it’s easy for me to adjust my nutrition and understand what ‘healthy food’ is for me.

Believe me – even if you want to lose some weight, you’ll not be hungry or grumpy on the way!”

Blanka is such an amazing health nutritionist!
I took part in her online programme which was really mind-blowing.
The number of facts and practical advice she shared with us, and this in a way that you easily understood.
I now know so much better how my body is impacted by the food I eat and know how to make healthy choices.
This program is packed full of informative videos, loads of documents and also live Q&A sessions where Blanka took the time to answer all of our questions. I can really recommend it!

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