2024Personal Journey To Wellbeing

my personal journey to wellbeing

Functional Medicine

Do you feel trapped in a vicious circle of mysterious health issues?

You are not alone!

I had a history of mysterious bloating for almost ten years.

It nearly ruined my life. I tried everything from therapies and supplements to a raw vegan diet, but nothing worked.

Then, I decided to end my misery once and for all!

In 2014, I completely changed my life and found my IKIGAI.

I quit my corporate HR job, divorced, moved to the countryside in France and enrolled in a top-quality college to study functional medicine, nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

This was the start of a journey of self-discovery.

Blanka Campbell

My journey from corporate career to functional medicine nutritionist

Since childhood, I have suffered from excessive appetite & emotional overeating as a coping mechanism for abuse.

These habits were the most difficult to break.

Since my twenties, I suffered from constant bloating, IBS and abdominal pain no matter what I ate!

It greatly impacted my self-esteem, social life, and mental and emotional well-being.

I remember stressing about going out with friends because of my bloating.

What should I eat (or not eat) to survive the evening without a faux pas? What should I wear so people don’t ask me if I am pregnant?

I was determined to find the root cause of my gut problems, and that’s where my medical marathon started.


From modern to Chinese medicine, probiotics, and dozens of supplements and therapies.

The conventional approach: NAME IT, BLAME IT, TAME IT, didn’t work. I kept swallowing the pills without any signs of improvement.

I tried restrictive diets that claimed to reduce bloating, fatigue, and farting and improve my skin. 

However, raw vegan food and high-fibre with superfoods did not work either.

I was always hungry and had low energy; I didn’t sleep well. I even gained more weight despite working out!

In my thirties, the situation got even worse. After giving birth to two kids while renovating a house and having a full-time job, I reached rock bottom. 

On top of all the gastrointestinal issues, I suddenly got perioral dermatitis.

A painful red, flaky rash all over my face! I applied steroid creams and invested in laser treatment, hoping it would help.

I cried out in pain every night. Will I ever get out of this misery?

I was only 34 years old and falling apart despite doing my best to get back on track.

Finally, I contacted a nutritional therapist and asked for help. Looking back, it was the best investment I had ever made

She pointed out the critical mistakes and showed me my blind spots.

Food I considered “healthy” wasn’t loving me back due to a leaky gut.

The stress-related inflammation and pancreatic insufficiency caused malabsorption, and the parasitic and bacterial pathogens that happily created the gas.

The protocol was like a miracle; I had a flat belly for the first time and was completely bloat-free.

I could eat without fear of digestive drama and stinky farts.

I was amazed by the power of holistic nutrition, functional medicine protocols, and biochemical laboratory markers.

I learned for the first time about hormones. Chemical messengers that impact mood, sleep, energy levels, digestion, physical performance, hunger, satiety, concentration, and motivation.

Personalized nutrition changed my life in every sense

I quit my corporate job, and at the age of 35, I enrolled in a level 6 diploma course at the College of Nutrition and Health in London.

In 2023, I joined the Institute of Functional Medicine to develop advanced clinical expertise to enhance further the practice of the seven biological systems of the functional medicine matrix.





The Body & Mind Connection

“You are what you eat and what is eating you.” 

Nothing works in isolation. 

Body & mind connection is vital to mental & emotional well-being.

That’s why I became a certified yoga teacher to share techniques for calming the nervous system, finding inner peace, and allowing the “rest & digest”.

The parasympathetic nervous system facilitates the absorption and digestion of food.

In 2022, I completed the hormone yoga therapy certification to help women relieve perimenopausal signs and symptoms. 

In 2023, I further enhanced my education at the Institute of Functional Medicine.

This unique marriage of science and spirituality helps me dive deeper into women’s health and find the root cause of the digestive and hormonal imbalance.

What is your story?